Donations/CD Sale during COVID19
Hi everyone! I will be performing LIVE on Facebook and other social media- please watch out for the announcements regarding upcoming shows! Hoping to fill in my entertainment quotient during this lock down, and make up for the several lost gigs over the past weeks.
My last 3 albums are currently on sale- including signed copies, if you want 🙂
$15 or more donation, I’ll send a free double CD Waiting for Grace and Welcoming Grace FREE SHIPPING $25 or more donation, I will send the Waiting for Grace/Welcoming Grace album SIGNED, plus my 4th album.
PayPal = @JasonMarion
Venmo = @Jason-Marion
Cashap = $JasonMarion13
I’ll be taking requests during the live show and if you tip/donate any more than $15, I’ll send you the album! Just PM me the address to send it to 🙂
Thank you everyone! Please stay home, stay safe and blessed during this time!

Here is my discography from 2002-2020. Also please check out The Monster’s Voice on YouTube! Raven Faith will be releasing it the beginning of April 2020, please add it to your set-lists! •Window Dreams (2002) •West Nile (2004) •Wimbledon Games (2007) •Walk of Shame (2011) •Waiting for Grace (2020) •Welcoming Grace (2020) •Warriors of Grace (2021) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iwgoq3BZM0
interview with Arden Edgell
Rock the Vote!
New site, New beginnings
so its been a while but I promise you we have some good things on the horizon. we are currently in the process of migrating and updating the frame-work for the new Jasonmarion.com. and rumor has it that we will have a lot more content and information as Jason takes his music career in a new direction. so expect some changes, some music and some all around good times. these next few weeks will be interesting as we continue to develop and create a brand-new online experience.
Stay tuned folks. good things are on the way!
Hello from the site admin!
Welcome to Jason Marion’s Music Blog. This is my first post and if all goes well, there will be many more to come. The idea behind this platform is to create a constantly updated journal of news and events pertaining to the great music and art Jason creates and inspires, we encourage you, the visitor, the fan and passerby alike to interact with us here on this blog, tell us what you think but most of all, enjoy.