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SAN FRANCISCO-Indie Singer/songwriter Jason Marion has released the first single of his debut inspirational album ‘Waiting for Grace’. In what has been described as a labor of love and a work of the heart, Marion, who has written over five-hundred songs and has four albums to his credit, decided that this work had to be done. His other albums have focused on love and loss, the experience of the heart from yearning to it breaking. Marion decided that it was finally time to express his own journey with his faith, and he is coming on with a vengeance.

For this endeavor, he has teamed up with IMEA Album of the Year award winner Bradley Paul Clark of Bradley Clark Band whose album ‘Hold On’ has won both critical listener acclaim. Clark has also been a producer and arranger for quite some time. This teaming could be called in any other circle, fortuitous, but for them, it is absolutely a “God thing”. Also accompanying Marion and Clark on this new venture is Alex Anisov, owner of Crest Recording and widely regarded as one of the best engineers around.

This initial single, ‘Prodigal’ is a fitting story of how Marion actually came back to his faith. Growing up with quite a strong conviction, he like many of us, strayed but ended up finding his way back to the faith that sustained him. ‘Prodigal’ however, is only the first step on what will be a three album journey called, ‘The Grace Trilogy’.

‘Waiting for Grace’, tells the story of love and the yearning to come back to Christ. ‘Waiting’ plucks the heart stings of regaining child-like faith. With titles “Tapping His Feet” and “Apple Day” they remind of the truth of faith, that He is there for us. They touch on subjects such as hoping this music, this time is pleasing to the Creator and the day which He makes his return. The next will be “Welcoming Grace”. This album is an absolute P&W expressing the joys of walking the grace that is promised to all of us; the excitement of finally being on the right path, and some of the challenges that come about as we welcome the grace we longed for. This again, love and loss, letting go of old things to pursue the new, and gaining a greater understanding that He loves us. He is there for us. He will not give up on us. The third album, “Warrior for Grace” is just as it sounds, but perhaps not on the singular level you might expect. “Warrior” not only is a battle cry for defense-of-the-faith as it were, but also the war that wages within and coming to grips with ourselves being our own worst enemy.

Marion, Clark, and Anisov have teamed up with some of the best musicians in the business to bring this studio project to life. Expect the first album, Waiting for Grace to be released in 2015, Welcoming Grace in 2016, and Warrior for Grace in 2017. All of these albums are sure to touch your heart and nourish your soul with each track. Be sure to check out ‘Prodigal’ on CD Baby, coming to iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Rdio and the rest very soon!